As your healthcare partner, we will design a treatment regimen at UT Medical Center that is based on advanced care and clinical research and is unsurpassed at any medical center, anywhere.
Wahid Hanna, M.D., founder of Hanna Cancer Associates, has led more than 90 percent of all clinical trials into blood cancer and hematological diseases that have been conducted at the University of Tennessee Medical Center.
Dr. Hanna has been a faculty member at UT Medical Center since 1978, teaching young physicians in the Department of Medicine. He currently is chief of the Center’s Hematology and Oncology Division. Physicians like Dr. Hanna, who are involved with clinical trials and research, are familiar with and experienced in new treatments and the drugs that in the future will benefit patients on a routine basis.
As an affiliate of an academic medical center, Hanna Cancer Associates staff stay current with the latest medical advancements and use them in treating their patients.